Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My family ganged up on me

Lentils that did not go so well.  Need to experiment
I wanted to experiment with other forms of protein that you get from a meatless and dairy-free dinner then just tofu.  Lentils is known to have high protein.  It didn't go over so well with the family members.  I got lots of complaints and lots of recommendations.  Dear Husband suggested I use a beef stock when cooking the lentils.

I said "No, that defeats the purpose."

"These aren't people who are looking to be vegetarians.  Beef stock won't hurt."

"Yes I think they want to be vegetarians for a day.  You just don't.  Besides why not vegetable stock, why does it have to be beef stock?"

"Oh come on, you're taking this too seriously."

"You don't get it, it's suppose to be vegetarian.  It doesn't fit in the blog if it isn't.  Meatless Mondays, except sometimes?  Besides, this is my first attempt at lentils and ya'll are getting down my throat.  Chill, give me a chance."

And hence I do not have an entree for you today but I do made a quick video of a whey protein shake I make sometimes when I want to supplement my protein intake.  It's simple, tastes good and pretty filling for a shake.

a scoop whey protein powder (chocolate or berry)*
1 cup of frozen berries
8 oz of water

Put it all in a blender and blend baby blend.

* I've heard from many of my workout buddies that whey is the best protein powder.  My whey says vegan. Not that this is a vegan blog, it's just all of my recipes are going that route :)

1 comment:

  1. You're right, a suggestion of beefstock kinda defeats the purpose, lol.
